The following is a comprehensive list of notable research carried out in the field of Forensic Psychology: Garry, Maryanne; Manning, Charles G.; Loftus, Elizabeth F.; Sherman, Steven J. (1996-06). "Imagination inflation: Imagining a childhood event inflates confidence that it occurred". Psychonomic Bulletin & Review . 3 (2): 208–214. DOI :10.3758/BF03212420. ISSN 1069-9384. Harris, Paige B.; Boccaccini, Marcus T.; Murrie, Daniel C. (2015-08). "Rater differences in psychopathy measure scoring and predictive validity". Law and Human Behavior . 39 (4): 321–331. DOI :10.1037/lhb0000115. ISSN 1573-661X. Holcomb, Matthew J.; Jacquin, Kristine M. (2007-07-03). "Juror Perceptions of Child Eyewitness Testimony in a Sexual Abuse Trial". Journal of Child Sexual Abuse . 16 (2): 79–95. DOI :10.1300/J070v16n02_05. ISSN 1053-8712. Kassin, S. & Wrightsman, L. (1980). Prior confessions and mock juror verdicts. Journal of Applied Social Ps...